2024 Vermont Referee Opportunities
Assignor Contact Information
Jace Laquerre: jace.laquerre@gmail.com | (802) 399-0994
Sarah Knakal: knakalsarah@gmail.com | (802) 598-3019
Katie Pinkus: drkatiepinkus@gmail.com | (732) 330-1661
*** Please Copy Both Assignors on All Emails and Texts ***
State Referee Administrator
Bill Edwards: stretchvt@gmail.com | (802) 370-6566
Mentor Coordinator
Whitney Widger: whitney.widger@gmail.com | (802) 881-4477
View 2022 Assignments and Administration Presentation
If you have not made a GotSport account, you will need to make one. If you have already made one as a player to sign up for a team, follow the links below. Your assignor will email you the registration link.
Here is a video tutorial to show you the sign-up process: https://www.loom.com/share/82636dece07c4aec907b95a02df9b584
GotSport Registration
Making an Account
- Officials over 18 can simply make their own account.
- Officials under 18 that have had their parents register them for something in GotSport will have to make their own username and password.
- Log into parent’s account.
- Go to Account > Family and click on the child.
- On the child’s account, go to Account.
- Make them their own username/password and click save.
- Log into their account using their own username and password, not the parents
- You will be emailed a GotSport registration link from an assignor.
- You must go through this link to be assigned. It will be different for each league or tournament.
Tax/Direct Deposits
- All officials who have not sent a W-9 to the VSA should complete a W-9 and upload it to our dropbox link here.
- You are labeled as an independent contractor. You will receive a 1099 if you make over $600 from a single paying party.
- All officials should also upload a Direct Deposit Authorization Form to the Vermont Soccer Association dropbox link.
- If you are a first-time referee, you should have already purchased or be in the process of ordering your starter kit.
- You must wear the official USSF uniform for every game including shirt, shorts and socks.
- Starter kits can be found here: https://officialsports.com/off-field-apparel/starter-kits/
- Please order a Yellow uniform as your primary color. It is also recommended you purchase a secondary color (we suggest Red). Any other additional colors you wish to purchase can be your preference.
Vermont Soccer League Referee Pay (2024)
Referee: $0.80/minute
Assistant Referee: $0.50/minute
- U10: $40
- U12: $48
- U14: $56 | AR: $35
- U16: $64 | AR: $40
- U19: $72 | AR: $45
Most tournaments will pay Vermont Soccer League rates.